Monday, March 19, 2012

Free Math Texts

While viewing a number of blogs over the past week, I came across one in particular I thought was interesting: . It is related to mathematics and multimedia. I found the mathematics resources to be particularly interesting is the free resources page:
This page has textbooks and competition questions from a variety of sources. If you have any desire to learn more math (which I think everyone should) you should check out the site.

I feel that some of the explanations on the site are a bit too simplistic and miss points that should not be skipped. But, as long as people are learning, I don't think it is that big of a deal.

Update: I have have been thinking about my previous comment and it seems I was misguided. The content of the site matches what the goal of the site is. It would not make sense to make the explanations more complicated than they need to be for no reason.

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